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How to Lead Your Team Through Tough Times

Here’s what successful senior leaders do

Lead long enough and it’s eventually going to happen. Your team is going to come up against a tough run. Things were going great and then, suddenly, they’re not. The tough times could last for weeks, months, or even a year or more. The causes can be varied – competitive pressures, customer service challenges, a financial squeeze, uncontrollable externalities – and aren’t mutually exclusive. They can come all at once.

So, when your team is deep into dealing with the muck, what do you do? Here are some guidelines that work for my senior executive clients and their teams:

Balance Content with Connection – When a team is focused on shoveling through the muck, it can be all too easy for them to over index on the content of the work and forget about the connection that made them a team in the first place. If you want a team to get results, you must help it nurture its relationships. This post I wrote a few years ago on how to build meaningful connection offers specific ideas on how to do that.

Please select this link to read the complete blog post from The Eblin Group.

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