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Insights for Young Professionals on Self-advocating

This is critical to your professional growth

Advocating for yourself has many forms and there are lots of ways to do it. It’s critical to your professional growth and you can’t depend on other people to know what you need and to look out for you. In a recent ASAE Young Professionals Lunch & Learn, I covered this topic and highlighted a few ways to advocate for yourself in different scenarios.

When interviewing for a new job, starting a job, asking for a promotion, setting boundaries for work-life balance, and pitching new ideas to leadership, the key is to be prepared. Here are some actions I recommend taking to get ready for these situations.

Before starting a new job, make sure people are able to research you, and what they hear is good. You never want to burn a bridge, so how can you ensure they remember and hear good things about you? One way is to be mindful of what you post on social media and getting people to endorse you on LinkedIn is one way to use social media to your advantage.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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