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How Good Leaders Show - Not Tell

Disconnects between time-off practices and policy must be remedied

Summer is here, bringing with it the desire to take a break from the daily grind—to take a real vacation. Yet, for many employees, a refreshing summer getaway seems as elusive as a dream. Even employees who are working for organizations with generous time-off policies struggle to carve out genuine rest and self-care opportunities. This disconnect between policy and practice speaks volumes about workplace culture and leadership’s role in promoting a healthy work-life balance.

The case for meaningful time off: Beyond policy

Taking time off has a wealth of benefits, as evidenced by the data. Vacations are essential. Vacations contribute significantly to employees’ mental and physical well-being, ultimately enhancing their productivity and creativity after they return to the office.

For employers, well-rested staff members contribute to a more energized, innovative workforce, are more committed to company goals, and are more efficient in achieving them. However, despite these benefits, a study by the Pew Research Center shows that four in 10 U.S. workers still don’t take their full allotted leave.

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