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Why One-on-one Time With Your Reports is a Priority

Build trust with your team members by dedicating time that is sacrosanct

What’s the single most effective way for a leader to build trust with his or her employees? It’s to show that you genuinely care about your employees’ career well-being.

One of the simplest ways to do this is to maintain consistent, non-distracted face-to-face (or video chat or phone conversation) time with those you lead.

Frequent Check-ins Build Employee Trust and Engagement

Now, notice I didn’t say it was the “easiest” thing to do. Finding time on your calendar (and making those appointments stick) is probably one of the most difficult things to do and that’s why managers often don’t make 1:1 meetings a priority. (More about that vexing problem later.) People value interaction more than you might think. Nearly half of the people surveyed in a poll by Training Magazine and the Ken Blanchard companies said they wished they could meet with their boss on a weekly basis.

Please select this link to read the complete article from People Equation.

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