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In The Age of Polycrisis, Understand the Board's Duty of Foresight

Association boards must meet their successors’ expectations

In an article in the 2024 Associations Now Board Brief, I wrote: “Less than a year before the midway point of The Turbulent Twenties arrives, association boards must make a crucial decision: Will they reject complacency and bring a renewed sense of purpose to standing up for their successors’ futures?”

As of this article’s publication date (7/16/24), there are 1,994 days remaining in The Turbulent Twenties, and 169 days until this decade’s midpoint on Jan. 1, 2025. What specific actions has your association’s board taken to prepare for the serious challenges that will alter the trajectory of both our community and our world in fundamental ways throughout the second half of this decade and beyond?

For association boards, CEOs, staff partners, and other stakeholders, these questions are not rhetorical. They are fervent demands for urgent action on the part our community’s most senior decision-makers to recognize and confront the threats facing their organizations today and in the years ahead.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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