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ASAE Planning Ahead for Tax Reform in 2025

Major threats to associations' tax-exempt status are underway

Earlier this month, the board of directors of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) approved a strategic investment to allow ASAE to take the lead in advocating for associations as Congress shapes a tax reform package next year.

Sweeping Trump-era tax breaks established in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will expire in 2025.

This sets the table for a major tax reform battle in Congress. There is disconcerting talk on Capitol Hill about targeting associations and other tax-exempt organizations for additional tax revenue.

This poses a significant threat to our community, and OSAP and ASAE will need your support to fight off this legislative attack.

Join ASAE’s upcoming webinar on this topic, Associations at Risk: 2025 Tax Reform Implications, on September 26 at 1:00pm ET. you have questions, please contact the team at

Go deeper: To learn more, join ASAE’s tax reform email list.

This article was provided to OSAP by ASAE's Power of Associations and Inroads.

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