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Evacuation Drills and OSHA Training Requirements

How to prepare employees for workplace emergencies

HR Question: According to the OSHA Training Requirements, is it mandatory that I conduct practice evacuation drills as part of my company’s annual training?

HR Answer: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not require employers to conduct drills at a certain frequency. However, it is recommended as part of a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan, which is required. OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.38(a) outlines the requirement for written documentation, planning and training for workplace emergencies, and as an employer, preparing for the ‘worst case’ is something you should want to do. In today’s world where we’ve seen an increase in active shooter incidents, unpredictable weather patterns and wildfires, emergency preparedness will allow you and your employees to have a plan in place should you be impacted by some type of potentially hazardous situation.

How to Prepare Employees for Workplace Emergencies

Employers should consider evacuation plans as one small part of the required Emergency Action Plan and use them as the opportunity to practice. The drills could include evacuation due to a fire, a chemical leak or even a shelter in place in the event of an external chemical emergency.

Please select this link to read the complete article from OSAP Member Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

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