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Don't Micromanage

But don't be too "hands-off," either

Nobody loves micromanagers, but less discussed (and even less beloved) are the "anti-micromanagers." Maybe you've had one, maybe you've been one. To avoid the dreaded title of "micromanager," a new leader becomes the opposite. But the path to poor leadership is often paved with good intentions.

An anti-micromanager is someone who is unassertive to the point that they foster confusion, inaction and, ultimately, a lack of trust. Research suggests some micromanagers feel powerless. Research similarly suggests the same is true of anti-micromanagers. People who feel powerful focus internally on their goals, whereas those who feel powerless often focus externally on being liked. Anti-micromanagers, like the powerless, may put their attention outward rather than inward, and lose the very respect they hope to win.

How do you earn respect while avoid becoming an anti-micromanager? Here are three ways anti-micromanagement backfire, and what you can do to achieve a more balanced leadership style.

Please select this link to read the complete blog post from Big Think.

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