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Now is the Right Time to Refresh Your Leadership Playbook

Your leadership playbook may need some updating as times change

Effective leadership practices have been consistent throughout history; however, the tone of leadership shifts with the times. Today, we face a dizzying array of external forces driven by AI and ideology, which increase risk levels and complicate strategic and operational decision-making. Just as the pandemic pushed us into leadership triage mode, we find ourselves again in uncertainty and complexity. Now is a crucial time for organizational leaders to revisit their leadership playbook. 

Seven essential leadership behaviors to amplify in triage mode

In times of uncertainty, some leadership behaviors are more equal than others. Here are seven that are essential to amplify in this environment.

1. Display fierce resolve

You’re being watched closely. Every word and nuanced gesture is being processed and evaluated against the filters of whether this leader genuinely believes we’ll find a way to navigate this and survive. 

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