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You’re Missing the Point, and It Could Mean Failure
Disruption often puts business failure on the horizon
If you’re the leader of an organization or team right now, you don’t need anyone to tell you how uncertain the environment is in which you seek to lead. What you do need to call out, however, is that you’re allowing that ambiguity to become your undoing.
The new abnormal is your obsession. You don’t mean to, but you’re allowing it to dominate – so much so that there’s a good chance that you’re no longer a leader; you’re a firefighter — not the heroic version, but the kind endlessly saying, “If I can just address this distraction first, then I can get back to the big picture.”
It’s a slow burn. And once it takes hold in you it signals your team: this is our new cultural norm. It starts externally, but ambiguity becomes the enemy within, raising foundational questions in everyone about everything. “What do we stand for?” “Why do we do what we do?” “What’s the right way to do it?” There’s a question however, that you ought to ask ahead of any of these, and it’s this: What is our single point of failure?
Please select this link to read the complete article from SmartBrief.